The MOxAdTech face mask has successfully passed all the tests carried out at the João Lobo Antunes Institute of Molecular Medicine (iMM) making it the first textile mask capable of inactivating the virus that causes COVID-19.
The MOxAdTech face mask has successfully passed all the tests carried out at the João Lobo Antunes Institute of Molecular Medicine (iMM) making it the first textile mask capable of inactivating the virus that causes COVID-19.
Designed to protect from external contamination by combining smart design and innovative technology.
Approved by CITEVE
For its capacity to retain particles (=95%) and breathability, for up to 10 washes
Approved by DGE
For its capacity to retain particles (+95%) and its breathability, for 50 washes
Approved by Equilibrium
For its ability to retain bacteria (=90.2%) and its breathability, up to 50 washes
Designed to protect from external contamination by combining smart design and innovative technology.
Approved by Equilibrium
For its ability to retain bacteria = 91,5% andits breathability, up to 50 washes
Effective against viruses, bacteria and fungi. The product’s protective efficacy against external pathogens depends on the type of agent. However, laboratory testing suggests a high level of protection against some of the most common sources of human diseases.
Long-lasting protection and destruction of external pathogenic agents that contaminate your clothing.
These products are designed with their use and the needs and comfort of the end consumer in mind.
All products are designed to be light, breathable, and provide an exceptionally high level of protection against odours, bacteria and fungi.
The combination of a top-quality design and the nature of the nanoparticles used substantially increase the efficacy of the product’s composition. The product has proven to be effective after several washes, greatly exceeding the industrial standard.
Having been produced to minimise the environmental impact of their useful life, our products provide a sustainable and lasting solution.
No harmful chemical products are used during the manufacturing process.
The polymer used to improve the distribution of moisture and the drying process is biodegradable and approved by Bluesign, Oeko-Tex and REACH.